KWS RyeGHT Seeding Practices — Forage Production for Western Canada

Hybrid fall rye can be an easy crop to grow and success of growing is primarily achieved from having strong stand establishment in the fall. These practices will optimize both performance and consistency year afteryear, starting with the most important first.

RyeGHT Time

General seeding period for hybrid fall rye in Western Canada is from August 15 to September 25. It has consistently been shown that early seeding provides hybrid fall rye the best opportunity to achieve maximum root and tiller growth for the highest yield and quality.

RyeGHT Rate

The standard seeding rate is 1 unit/ac under normal conditions.

  • August 15-31: Seed at 1 to 1.2 units/ac into a firm seedbed to achieve 5-6” shoot growth with 6-8 tillers/plant. Under irrigation 0.8 units/ac may be used.

  • September 1-15: Seed at 1.2 units/ac into a firm seedbed to achieve 3-5” of shoot growth with 4-5 tillers/plant. Under irrigation 0.8 to 1 units/ac may be used.

  • September 15-25: eed at 1.2 to 1.3 units/ac into a firm seedbed to achieve 2-3” of shoot growth with 2-3 tillers/plant. Under irrigation 1 to 1.2 units/ac may be used.

RyeGHT Depth

Always seed shallow at ¾” depth with travel speed <4.5 mph to maintain consistent seed depth. Seeding deeper or faster will result in higher seedling mortality and reduced stand. Maintain ¾” seed depth even if soil is dry and wait for rain.

RyeGHT Stand

The plant stand target is 16-20 plants/ft2. Even emergence and achieving a target stand will provide the most consistent yields.

RyeGHT Field Selection

Hybrid rye grows best on well drained fields, free of residual herbicides that affect rye. It is the first choice to grow on land with stubble cover. It can also be grown on land without stubble provided it is seeded early, maximizes shoot growth, and tillers per plant. Areas prone to wind erosion should be seeded at a higher rate.

RyeGHT Trash Management

It is important to spread previous crop straw and chaff evenly and as close to the full width of the header as possible. Harrowing can be beneficial; however, it can also dislodge residual plants from the previous crop causing residue piles and seed placement issues. Use higher seeding rates when seed bed issues exist.

For more information call (403)926-8861