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    Unleash the Power of Weed Control

    Innovative, broad spectrum weed control system for beet growers.

    Powered by SMART KWS Seeds and Bayer crop science.

    Learn more

Products for New Zealand farmers

Beet available as part of CONVISO® SMART System

Global backing. Local Focus.

165 years of knowledge at your fingertips

We're a global seed leader with solutions that will benefit NZ farmers.

KWS is one of the world’s leading plant breeding and seed companies. We offer a wide variety of high performing crops to farmers, and we now have a NZ based team who have been developing our fodder and sugar beet growing system, CONVISO SMART over the last few years.

Revolutionise beet growing with CONVISO SMART

Our new beet growing system, CONVISO SMART, combines herbicide tolerant beet varieties with a dedicated herbicide which is designed to make weed control easier and highly effective leading to consistently high yields.

Our SMART sugarbeet and SMART fodderbeet will both be available for drilling in spring 2024

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Growing beet next season? It's time to use a beet growing and weed control system that works with how you farm and for anyone that you may be growing it for.
- Simon Witheford
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Want to know more? Get in touch today

Simon Witheford
Simon Witheford
Country Manager NZ
Tel.: 022 471 5582
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