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    Posturi vacante ȋn KWS Seminţe România

Sales Representative for Teleorman county (all genders)

Field of Work: Marketing & Sales

Location: Bucuresti, Bucuresti, RO

Legal Entity: KWS Seminte S.R.L. (0088)

Contract Type: Regular; Is Full Time?: Yes; Onsite/ Remote: Onsite; Job ID: 14398

For us, the process does not stop after finalization of the seed production, because for us it is very important to advise our customers on our varieties and all aspects of their cultivation.

If you are looking for a new professional challenge in agriculture, then apply now to KWS Semințe SRL as a Sales Representative for the Region Teleorman. In this position, you will meet sales goals by selling KWS hybrids as a result of intensive visits, consultation and assistance to KWS clients and acts as an interface between the Sales Manager, partners and end customers. You will also represent the company internally and externally.

This exciting permanent and full-time position is to be filled at the earliest date possible.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Sales and commercial activity with the goal of achieving maximum sales profitability, market share growth and market penetration in every segment.
  • Establishing, developing and maintaining business relationships with existing and potential customers in the assigned territory (in all customer segments – big and small farmers) to generate new market for company products in accordance with personal sales quotas.
  • New customer acquisition.
  • Establishing, maintaining and consolidating relationships with the dealers and distributors so that it can insure loyalty and stability on the part of the dealer.
  • Planning and organizing personal sales strategy in order to maximize the return on time and investment for the given sales territory.
  • On-going reporting of own sales activity.
  • Constant development of own knowledge regarding new and existing hybrids within KWS portfolio in the course of training organized by Agroservice and Product Manager.
  • Constant development of own knowledge regarding the market by monitoring the competition, gathering current data on pricing, new and existing products.
  • Responsibility for agricultural activities and event organization:
    - Administration of demonstrative plots
    - Organizing field days for MA and WOSR and active participation in winter meetings.
    - Participation in promotion activities, trade shows, sales tours and similar events.

Candidate Profile:

  • Education: completed high education studies with experience in the agricultural field
  • High level of commercial expertise, strong knowledge of industry, market and products.
  • Up-to-date business knowledge, especially in the field of sales.
  • Work experience in sales in agribusiness
  • IT skills (Microsoft Office).
  • Language proficiency: English (desirable).
  • Driving license category B.

Our benefits - Seeding the future starts with KWS:

  • As a family-run company, we are guided by the values of closeness, reliability, foresight and independence - this culture is lived in practice, creating an open and friendly working atmosphere. Adherence to ethical principles is a top priority for us.
  • True to our motto ‘Make yourself grow’, we promote the professional and personal development of our employees.
  • Chance to work with innovative technology in the seed production industry.
  • As a Sales representative for the region Teleorman, you will be part of a top team and through your actions you will shape the company’s future.
  • Finally, this position includes an attractive salary package, medical subscription and a car company.

Make yourself grow as a Maintenance Manager with KWS and become part of our success story!
Did we spark you interest? Then send your application (cover letter, curriculum vitae, relevant certificates) via our online system!

Alăturați-vă echipei noastre!

Maintenance Manager (all genders)

Field of Work: Seed Production

Location: Braila, Muntenia, RO

Legal Entity: KWS Seminte S.R.L. (0088)

Contract Type: Regular

Is Full Time?: Yes

Onsite/ Remote: Onsite

Job ID: 14359

Are you an experienced Maintenance Manager looking for a new challenge? Do you have a technical engineering background, a collaborative spirit, and a knack for maintaining and optimizing machinery? At KWS Semințe SRL, a leading company in the seed production industry, we are seeking a dedicated person to join our team in our Processing Plant in Brăila county.We offer full time and unlimited employment contract.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Oversee and ensure the maintenance of machinery used in field trials, seed production factory, and laboratory settings in view of securing the quality of seeds produced.
  • Organize and monitor all activities relating to the provision of machinery and mechanical and electrical services for all technological stages from sowing to harvesting.
  • Develop and implement maintenance schedules, updates, and protocols to minimize downtime and enhance machine performance.
  • Ensure all maintenance activities comply with relevant documentation and authorization requirements.
  • Supervise and train a team of up to 30 maintenance technicians during high season, providing guidance and support to ensure optimal performance and safety at work.
  • Conduct regular inspections to identify and resolve potential issues before they escalate.
  • Drive continuous optimization of maintenance processes and practices and machinery.
  • Coordinate with other departments to ensure seamless operation and integration of machinery and processes.
  • Maintain accurate records of all maintenance activities and ensure compliance with industry standards.

Candidate Profile:

  • Technical engineering degree or equivalent education.
  • Experience in maintenance of machinery.
  • Strong work ethic, with a commitment to continuous improvement and optimization.
  • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail.
  • Effective team player with strong leadership and communication skills.
  • Highly motivated and enthusiastic about the role and industry.
  • Native Romanian speaker, fluent in English.
  • Valid driver’s license.

Our benefits - Seeding the future starts with KWS:

  • As a family-run company, we are guided by the values of closeness, reliability, foresight and independence - this culture is lived in practice, creating an open and friendly working atmosphere. Adherence to ethical principles is a top priority for us.
  • True to our motto ‘Make yourself grow’, we promote the professional and personal development of our employees.
  • Chance to work with innovative technology in the seed production industry.
  • As a Maintenance Manager, you will be part of a top team and through your actions you will shape the company’s future.
  • Finally, this position includes an attractive salary package, medical subscription and a car company.

Make yourself grow as a Maintenance Manager with KWS and become part of our success story!
Did we spark you interest? Then send your application (cover letter, curriculum vitae, relevant certificates) via our online system!

Alăturați-vă echipei noastre!

Tehnician Agronom Cercetare (m/f/d)

Domeniu de activitate: Cercetare și dezvoltare

Localitatea: Alexandria, Muntenia, RO

Compania: KWS Seminte S.R.L. (0088)

Tipul contractului:

Normă întreagă: Yes

Local/ Remote (online):

ID post: 13876

Alăturați-vă echipei noastre în calitate de Tehnician Agronom (m/f/d) la Stația de Cercetare - Amelioare KWS Alexandria, Jud. Teleorman si veți putea contribui la progresul cercetării agricole.
Fiind un colaborator-cheie, veți avea un rol esențial în implementarea tehnologiilor de ultimă oră și în asigurarea întreținerii fără întreruperi a activităților de cercetare în rețeaua noastră. Dacă aveți o pasiune pentru progresul științei agricole și aveți spirit de echipă, aceasta este oportunitatea dvs. de a crește alături de noi și de a avea un impact de durată asupra viitorului agriculturii durabile. Pentru poziția de Tehnician Agronom in domeniul cercetarii (m/f/d) se oferă un contract permanent cu normă întreagă.


  • Participa la toate activitatile care se execută în incinta Statiei de Cercetare si in câmpurile experimentale privind testările de linii şi hibrizi de porumb si floarea-soarelui.
  • Participa, impreuna cu ceilalti membri ai echipei, la exploatarea şi întreţinerea tehnică a masinilor, utilajelor si echipamentelor din dotarea departamentului asigurând funcționarea corespunzătoare și respectarea standardelor de siguranță.
  • Efectueaza în mod regulat observații vizual si/sau cu ajutorul dronei asupra plantelor, măsurători și prelevări de probe pentru a colecta date privind creșterea și dezvoltarea culturilor și răspunsul acestora la diverse tratamente.
  • Participa la activitati de laborator privind condiţionarea, inventarierea şi păstrarea materialului genetic in conditii controlate de mediu.
  • Participa la cursuri si traininguri de specialitate precum si diverse evenimente organizate de KWS Seminte SRL.

Cerințe/Profilul candidatului:

  • Studii superioare de agricultura;
  • Operare PC: Word, Excel;
  • Permis conducere categoria B.
  • Permis conducerea tractorului (poate fi un avantaj);
  • Experienta in agricultura sau cel putin cunostinte de baza;
  • Domiciliul in Alexandria sau imprejurimi;
  • Disponibilitate de a calatori in tara;
  • Seriozitate si dorinta de a lucra in cercetare;
  • Limba engleza nivel mediu/avansat;
  • Atitudine colaborativă și spirit de echipă

Ce oferim?

  • KWS este o companie de familie iar noi creăm o atmosferă de lucru deschisă și prietenoasă. Aderarea la principiile etice este o prioritate pentru noi.
  • Promovăm dezvoltarea profesională și personală a angajaților noștri după motto-ul “Make yourself grow”.
  • Pozitia de Tehnician Agronom in domeniul Cercetarii (m/f/d) include un pachet salarial atractiv, contract permanent și asigurare medicală.

Deveniți parte a poveștii de success KWS și alăturați-vă echipei noastre!
Dacă v-am trezit interesul, vă invităm să aplicați online și să trimiteți toate documentele necesare (scrisoare de intentie, curriculum vitae, certificate relevante).

Alăturați-vă echipei noastre!