Maize Seed Service
50% discount for re-sowing if your crop suffers frost, flooding or bird damage
Applied for KWS Varieties treated with INITIO Bird Protect
- Protection for your maize cultivation
- Uncomplicated reimbursement for new sowing
- Share the risk
The Maize Value-Added Service is a top tool from myKWS
KWS offers you 50% discount towards the cost of re-sowing any Initio Bird Protect-treated KWS seed variety affected by frost, flooding or bird damage in the 2023 sowing season. KWS has launched the service to underline its confidence in the product, and to provide growers with a risk-sharing opportunity.
Why are we so confident in our product?
Bird tolerance
KWS did not receive a single report of bird damage in KWS seed varieties that had received the KWS IBP treatment. Our new KWS maize seed service for re-sowing has been launched to back up our claim that the product will deter birds.
KWS Initio Bird Protect also contains zinc, manganese and humic acids, plus a phosphate mobiliser which makes the nutrient available at a soil temperature of 3 degrees C and above. The nutritional ingredients have a highly positive effect on plant growth and vigour, mainly through the promotion of healthy root formation.
Frost and Flood Damage
Modern maize varieties are extremely vigorous and have a much greater degree of frost tolerance, compared with varieties that were available even a few years ago.
In the vast majority of cases, maize sown at the correct time will germinate without problems. Nevertheless, spring weather can be unpredictable and our service offers potential financial savings on seed costs, in the event that frost damage occurs.
In addition the maize seed service extends to flood damage for your peace of mind.
Digital help
As a further precaution, we would advise the use of our free, online KWS soil temperature tool. Growers can enter their farm postcode to find the current soil temperature at 10cms; the surface temperature is also shown, to indicate frost risk.
“Research has confirmed that maize requires a minimum of 8 degrees centigrade for three consecutive days for successful germination on light soils, with a figure of 12 degrees C for heavy soils.
How to report a damage
The following video describes step by step what needs to be done to report a damage and access to the 50% resowing for the Maize Seed Service trool
The use of the tool at a glance
Register with myKWS
Register for free at "myKWS" (in the navigation at the top right). If you do not have an account yet, please register with your complete address.
Register areas
In the Maize Seed sService, prove the purchase of KWS maize seed by uploading a delivery note or invoice. Then create your fields. You can draw in your field boundaries manually or import them. Add sowing details to your information no later than 5 days after sowing.
Reporting claims
If damage occurs to your maize fields and the field is to be turned over, report the damage in the tool. You will receive a refund of 50% on the seed price for reseeding in case of frost or bird damage for KWS seeds treated with INITIO BIRD PROTECT
Frequently asked questions about the Maize Seed Service
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