The spring wheat with tried and tested field performance

  • Good disease resistance
  • Tall but very stiff strawed
  • Vigorous growth habit in early development



KWS Kilburn has found favour on-farm as a tried and tested, spring wheat. The variety produces very big ears which yield good HFN and specific weights. While a tall variety it is very stiff and we’ve never seen it lodge here at our breeding station in Thriplow. The height may, in part, explain its ability to do well sown in the spring. With a well-balanced set of disease resistances, KWS Kilburn is also relatively easy to manage. KWS Kilburn has an extremely competitive growth habit, as is demonstrated in Agrii’s blackgrass trial at Stow Longa. With such a competitive nature, it is the first step to 88% blackgrass cultural control.

KWS KIlburn is no longer is recommended. All data is All data taken from AHDB Recommended List, Spring Wheat 2022/23 unless otherwise stated.

KWS KILBURN data sheet

Want to know more? Get in touch!

Kirsty Richards
Kirsty Richards
Conventional Crops Product Manager
Tel.: 07748 960726
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Ryan Hyden
Ryan Hyden
UK Sales Manager & SBU Product Manager
Tel.: 07979 652384
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