Benefit from greater harvest security in the later maturity segment

FAO 230

  • Heavy maize yield potential
  • Main crop hybrid with high silage and grain yield potential
  • Approx. 2-3 days earlier maturity to AMAROC



  • Huge yield potential with a long growing season (21.5 t/ha DM)
  • Main crop hybrid with high silage potential on very favourable sites
  • Approx 2-3 days earlier maturity to AMAROC
  • Seed at 42,000 seeds/acre (103,000 seeds/hectare) in most areas
  • In low rainfall areas reduce to 38,000 seeds/acre (94,000 seeds/hectare) to protect yield
  • Reduce chop length to 7-9 mm to ensure optimal clamp and AD performance
  • Data source: NIAB national list trials (2021). Hybrid subject to Pre NL Marketing Agreement. Initial seed is limited.
KWS Benefito is a stable single-cross main crop silage and grain hybrid. For UK growers looking for added harvest stability in the later AD segment.
Breeder's view
BENEFITO data sheet

Your consultants

Andrew Cook
Andrew Cook
Maize Product and Technical Sales Manager
Tel.: 07970 734363
Send e-mail
John Morgan
John Morgan
Maize Consultant
Tel.: 07595 562943
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