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  • Vollmert_1209.jpg
    Breeders' Academy

Your job entry to plant breeding – direct access to living your passion.

You have a clear goal: to become a plant breeder! The Breeders’ Academy offers unique and tailormade training.

New plant varieties are helpful to many issues that farmers face. Theoretical knowledge alone does not sufficiently qualify for the tasks of a plant breeder. To close this gap, we offer the Breeders’ Academy, an on the job training program. You will gain insight into comprehensive breeding progams and you will be able to see all major steps involved in breeding a new plant variety.

Your quick check

What we offer

  • Taking responsibility in a commercial breeding program.
  • Two crops in two countries – for a full year each.
  • You will be supervised by experienced breeders.
  • A tailormade training program fitting your individual level of training.
  • Plant breeding classes at internationally renowned universities.
  • Appropriate remuneration.

Your perspective

  • Experience in breeding programs of two different crops – for a full year each.
  • Training your "breeder’s eye" and various other selection methods for many traits.
  • Deployment of many techniques in the routine of a breeding program – including implementation of recent developments.
  • International team work across continents.
  • Comprehensive and state-of-the-art training – the perfect prerequisite for creating innovation for farmers.

Your attributes

  • A university degree in crop sciences, agronomy, or related subjects with a major in plant breeding (MSc or comparable, PhD welcome but not required).
  • Practical experience in nurseries and/or trailing is preferred.
  • Interest in applied genetics and permanent innovation.
  • Passion and dedication for improving agricultural plant production.
  • A personality capable of committing to the breeding program and of working independely
  • Enthusiasm for international teamwork
  • English, preferably another language as well

It is great joy to see all the diversity and variation of plants in the field – and to combine them into new varieties.

Vincenzo Giovannelli, Alumni of the Breeders‘ Academy, now a maize breeder in Italy


Curious? Apply here

Your contact

Tina Heddergott
Tina Heddergott
HR Business Partner
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