What is the Oilseed Establishment Partnership (OEP)?
OEP Overview
The KWS OEP offers a practical solution to growers with concerns around the establishment of oilseed rape crops. The OEP shares the risk of establishment between the grower, merchant and breeder. The initial seed cost is lower for the grower, allowing better cashflow and the opportunity for flexible seed rates.
What are the benefits of the OEP?
- Lower risk
- Low upfront seed cost
- Cost effective seed rate flexibility
- Better cash flow
Find your nearest merchant
You can sign up to the Partnership by contacting one of our merchant partners, listed below, or use the button above.
It's quick, easy and you only have to do it once!
Merchant | Website |
ADM Agriculture | adm-agri.co.uk |
Agrovista | agrovista.co.uk |
Dalton Seeds | daltonseeds.co.uk |
T. Denne & Sons | tdenneandsons.co.uk |
Harlow Agricultural Merchants | harlow-ag.co.uk |
Hutchinson Group | hlhltd.co.uk |
James Mortimers Ltd | jamesmortimer.co.uk |
Alan W. Pages & Co. Seeds Ltd | awpageseeds.com |
Pearce Seeds LLP | pearceseeds.co.uk |
Quantil Agriculture Limited | quantilagriculture.co.uk |
Simpsons Malt | simpsonsmalt.co.uk |
Walnes Seeds | walnesseeds.com |
Wynnstay | wynnstayagriculture.co.uk |
Wynnstay Woodheads | wynnstayagriculture.co.uk |
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