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    Food Use - Hybrid Rye

Rye - The healthy grain!

In terms of food use, hybrid rye has a lot to offer and can be used in multiple ways, such as milling and bread products or even spirits and beer. Learn more about the key advantages for baking and food use, agronomic avantages and what end products rye can be used for. A lot of interesting downloads provide a deep dive into the world of this healthy grain.

Key advantages for baking and food use

  • High dietary fibre content
  • Increased satiety – stable glucose and insulin balance
  • Rye grain expresses the lowest Glycemic Index (GI) values of all cereal grains
  • Lower postprandial insulin response compared to wheat
  • Improve bowel function – lower risk of constipation
  • Long term cardiovascular health – rye based diets are linked to decreased incidence of myocardial infarction and beneficial effects in lipid metabolism

Agronomic advantages of hybrid rye

  • Extreme winter hardiness and frost resistance
  • Aggressive tillering capacity
  • Drought tolerance – ideal for sandy soils
  • Blackgrass suppression – via light reduction in the canopy
  • Extends crop rotation
  • Very high take-all tolerance – ideal as a second cereal
  • Minimal ergot risk – via PollenPlus

Example end use products from rye

  • Milling Products

    Whole grain rye, Steel cut rye, Malted rye kernels, Whole grain rye flour, Rye bread mix with sourdough, Rye bran, Rye flakes, Breakfast cereals (muesli, others)

  • Bread Products

    Sourdough rye bread, Crispbread, Thin crispbread, Rolls, buns and breads containing wheat/rye-mixture

  • Other Rye Products

    Rye porridge, pastries, Rye pasta, Snack products

  • Alcoholic Products

    Whisky production

Other downloads

  • CPM article on hybrid rye

    pdf | 2 MB

  • Rye consumption for human nutrition

    pdf | 3 MB

  • Rye bread in Sweden - Customer perceptions

    pdf | 3 MB

  • Milling and Grain 2017 article on Rye

    pdf | 496 kB

  • Characteristics of rye varieties in respect of nutritional and pharmaceutical values

    pdf | 166 kB

  • Healthy and trendy sucessful marketing of healthy baked goods

    pdf | 129 kB

  • Hybrid Rye Flyer - Food Industry Uses

    pdf | 908 kB