The evolution of breeding solutions from KWS

  • Tolerance to BCN
  • Herbicide tolerant variety
  • For use as part of the CONVISO® SMART system

Characteristics in detail

Given the changes in UK seed supply we can offer SMART NELDA KWS to growers for sowing in 2025. SMART NELDA KWS is on the GB Variety List but not yet on the BBRO Recommended List.

New for sowing in 2025, SMART NELDA offers growers an exciting opportunity to use the CONVISO® SMART system with the added benefit of beet cyst nematode tolerance. Where the nematode populations associated with beet being grown for a long time in a tight rotation exist,
SMART NELDA KWS can help solve this issue.

During 2023 KWS held CONVISO® SMART observational trials on a field with a BCN population. Results from the hand digs can be seen below. Note the higher roots weights and sugar content. Under infected conditions the yield protection offered by the tolerance is expected to significantly outperform a non tolerant SMART variety.