High yielding barnfiller wheat

  • Excellent specific weight and very stiff straw with OWBM resistance
  • Early to harvest



KWS Kinetic is a high yielding Group 4 Winter Wheat. Over the years it has performed especially well in the East and the West. It is a short, KWS Kinetic is a stiff strawed variety with good resistance to lodging, a high specific weight and good HFN - it has all the characteristics required to ensure a safe harvest. With an outstanding specific weight and the right balance of protein and HFN, KWS Kinetic is able to fulfil the high volume feed market requirements successfully.

KWS Kinetic is no longer Recommended. All data is taken from the 2021/22 Recommended List.

KWS KINETIC data sheet

Want to know more? Get in touch!

Kirsty Richards
Kirsty Richards
Conventional Crops Product Manager
Tel.: 07748 960726
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Ryan Hyden
Ryan Hyden
UK Sales Manager & SBU Product Manager
Tel.: 07979 652384
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