"On time @ 4ever!” by Kaiserring Scholar Alexander Iskin online and with time slots in the KWS Art Lounge NEWCOMER

Einbeck, 15.04.2021

What is the current relationship between virtual and physical reality in our lives? The artist Alexander Iskin has been dealing with this question for years, has found the concept of inter-reality for the hybrid forms of everyday life and introduced it into art as inter-realism. In the new exhibition "On time @ 4ever!" at the KWS Art Lounge NEWCOMER in Tiedexer Straße in Einbeck, Alexander Iskin presents not only a color-intensive selection of his painterly work but also his latest "interrealistic forms". The exhibition can also be seen online at www.kws.com/art.

Zwischen Elefant und Karawane sein, 2019 | Oil on jute

Zwischen Elefant und Karawane sein, 2019 | Oil on jute

There will be a "Meet the Artist" date to mark the launch: on April 16, visitors can meet Alexander Iskin in person in the Art Lounge, taking into account the current hygiene concept, and have the works explained to them; they must book time slots for this in advance between 3 and 7 p.m.: newcomer@remove-this.kws.com . The exhibition will open virtually with an online stream on the Internet at 6:30 p.m. on April 20, when KWS Executive Board member Dr. Felix Büchting will welcome visitors and Alexander Iskin will talk about the works on display with Dr. Bettina Ruhrberg, director of the Mönchehaus Museum in Goslar.

Alexander Iskin is the sixth Kaiserringstipendiat to exhibit at the KWS Art Lounge NEWCOMER. Originally, his works were to be on display as early as November, but now "On time @ 4ever!" is in April. The Goslar Kaiserringstipendium has been awarded by the Verein zur Förderung Moderner Kunst (Association for the Promotion of Modern Art) since 1984 and sponsored by the AKB Foundation in Einbeck since 2014.

"I feel privileged to exhibit at the KWS Art Lounge in Einbeck," says the 30-year-old. Although digitality is a very great source of inspiration for him, he misses full concert halls, theaters, galleries and museums. With his works exhibited in Einbeck, Alexander Iskin invites visitors to take a walk into his world of thought. "As much as he is preoccupied with questions of the future and receives numerous ideas for his work from his discussions with futurologists, philosophers and AI researchers, he is still very much attached to the traditional medium of painting," says Dr. Bettina Ruhrberg, director of the Mönchehaus Museum Goslar. "Painting is also the origin for me, that is, the way of expression where I can think most clearly," Alexander Iskin reasons.

Alexander Iskin works painterly, sculptural, performative, literary and cinematic to create a multimedia narrative. Among the works on view in the exhibition are the nostalgic spirit of a futuristic cockatoo in the painting "Coca, too." Or the much-loved, coffee-addicted and art-critical "Professor Coffee Machine": this drives around to view the artworks and give initial artistic evaluations in the form of a receipt that can be pulled and "read" by the visitor. The robot, which is loaded with algorithms, functions playfully as an art mediator and, at the end, also dispenses a hot coffee for the art viewer.

Alexander Iskin, born in Moscow in 1990 and raised in Goslar. Already as a child, he regularly visited the exhibitions of the Mönchehaus Museum there and found his way into art via detours, which is also somewhat due to this connection to the Goslar Mönchehaus. Alexander Iskin has been working artistically since 2006. The well-known Berlin artists Jonathan Meese and Herbert Volkmann became his mentors and supported his artistic development. In 2017, Alexander Iskin proclaimed a new art movement, Interrealism, a reciprocal relationship between virtual and physical reality. In 2020, Alexander Iskin received the Kaiserringstipendium and opened his exhibition at the Mönchehaus Museum with a special project: for six weeks, he moved his studio, including his sleeping quarters, to the Sexauer Gallery in Berlin to work there - isolated from the public. Visits were only possible by appointment under certain conditions. The creation of the works could be seen on the Internet. The artist thus unconsciously had a premonition of the time to come: at the end of his performance, a ban on contact had indeed been decreed, the Corona pandemic had broken out.

A brochure will be published to accompany the exhibition, which will be presented later. Several authors will contribute to this catalog with excerpts from both exhibitions in Goslar (Mönchehaus) and Einbeck (NEWCOMER).

Should new, necessary restrictions in the Corona pandemic become apparent, KWS Art Lounge NEWCOMER reserves the right to make changes and asks for your understanding.

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On time @ 4ever! – Alexander Iskin

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Bettina Alex
Bettina Alex
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