Jugend forscht junior is science you can touch
Since 2022, KWS is sponsor of one of the most famous competitions for young scientists. The scientific experiments and the enthusiasm of the young talents aged 9 to 14 impress us and the jury every year anew.
By supporting the competition, we promote the spirit of research among children and young people. As an innovative plant breeding company with a strong research focus, our goal is to get young people excited about STEM subjects and to motivate them to give free rein to their creativity in research and experimentation. The curiosity of the young researchers and the fun of discovering new things brings science to life and provides important impetus for innovation, not only in the company but also in society.
At the annual Lower Saxony state competition in Einbeck, other regional companies and institutions also participate and present themselves, so that we take the opportunity to present southern Lower Saxony as a life science region to the participants and their supervisors.
Dr. Thomas Ehrhardt, Head of Global Research & Services, about our commitment to Jugend forscht junior.
Exciting background information about the competition and the projects can be found on Instagram at
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