Sunflowers are a very important oil crop in the south and south-east part of Europe
But extension is as well possible at moderate to warm climate conditions all over the world. Oil from sunflowers is mainly used for human nutrition, chemical, pharmaceutic and cosmetic industry and the meal is used as valuable protein feed.
KWS has breeding and marketing activities for sunflowers in all important countries in East and South-East Europe, with the first aim to increase yield and oil content. In addition, a specific resistance against regional plant pathogens like parasites, fungi or virus as well as herbicide traits are necessary for new sunflower hybrids.
Detailed information about the country specific products and local consultants can be found on the separate country pages, which you find in the table below.
Find the right sunflower seed for your country
Click on your country to get redirected to the countries website. In each country we sell different varieties which are adjusted to match the climate conditions and market needs.
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