Videos of KWS international beet feeding seminar 2022
(9 sessions)
Watch our videos
Welcome in Billund - Lars Anderson
2 Perspectives on beets in dairy production - Ida Storm
3 Sugar as starch replacement - Dr. Juan Pablo Keim
4 High beet inclusion effect on herd health - Vet. John Thomsen
5 Fodderbeet and sugar in ruminent nutrition - Dr. Ir. Wilfried van Straalen
6 High sugar in cattle diets in New Zealand - Dr. Jim Gibbs
7 Looking back in beet research - Emma Marie Vallentin Hvas
8 Ensiled beet as substitute to maize starch - Mogens Larsen
9 Beets in the NorFor - a climate perspective - Cand. Agro. Ph. D. Nicolaj Ingemann Nielsen
10 De novo fat acids - rumination - Jens Ole Christiansen
11 Conclusion Feeding Seminar 2022 - Lars Andersen
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