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    Soil fertility

Bringing soil protection and yield efficiency together

Soils constitute not only the essential natural foundation of life for animals, humans and plants: They are also a farmer’s capital. Without intact soil, a farm’s yields and profitability are at risk. In the face of climate change, a growing world population and the increasing demand for high-quality food, the crucial resource called “soil” is becoming scarcer.

Plant breeding plays a key role in this area: KWS boosts yields by achieving continuous progress in plant breeding without the need to expand agricultural land to a similar extent. Crop rotations, together with our varieties, are an effective answer to reducing pesticides and fertilizers. We are not only delivering seeds to farmers, but we also accompany farmers from sowing to harvest and offering our digital services to get the best out of KWS seeds!

A well-developed catch crop stock in the field during a period of otherwise limited vegetation — as well as beyond this period — is like an overflowing food pantry for soil life.
Markus Molthan, International Product Management Catch Crops

Fit4Next: KWS believes in the power of Crop Rotations!

Sustainable. Diverse. Tailor-made. KWS FIT4NEXT offers catch crop mixtures that suit your farm. Without compromise. All our mixtures are specifically tailored to the respective main crop - to ensure that you always achieve the ultimate. After all, together we are strongest - just like the catch crop mixture and the main crop. With this smart duo, you not only keep your crop rotation and soil FIT, but also bind CO2 and build up humus. But just read for yourself.

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How to make farming life easier with our myKWS digital tools

    more about trends and innovations in agriculture

Our Sustainability Ambition 2030


Sebastian Frese
Sebastian Frese
Lead of Brand Management
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