KWS is growing faster than expected in the 2021/2022 fiscal year and is announcing preliminary figures
Publication of insider information in accordance with Article 17 of EU-Regulation 596/2014
KWS SAAT SE & Co. KGaA (ISIN DE0007074007)
Einbeck (Germany), August 11, 2022 – Based on preliminary and unaudited results for the 2021/2022 financial year, sales increased by around 17% to around EUR 1.54 billion at an EBIT margin* of around 10%. This corresponds to a significant increase in EBIT compared to the previous year (EUR 137.0 million). KWS had recently forecast an increase in sales of 10% with an EBIT margin of 8-9%.
Significantly increased demand for seeds in the United States, Brazil and Europe as well as positive currency effects in the fourth quarter of the financial year made a significant contribution to the development mentioned. Against the background of an expected decline in the financial result, the net income for the year is expected to be at the previous year's level (EUR 110.6 million).
The publication of the 2021/2022 annual report including the dividend proposal and the forecast for the 2022/2023 financial year is planned for September 27, 2022. In view of the current developments on the global agricultural markets, KWS is currently assuming sustained growth in the new fiscal year.
* “EBIT Margin” (in %) equals operating income before interest and taxes divided by revenues
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