• Handling-of-Feedbeet.png
    Feedbeet Handling

Feedbeet Handling

The use of beets in barn feeding requires not only storage, but also proper handling. Handling may include cleaning, chopping of beets and mixing with other feeds. Cleaning can be done either dry or wet. There mobile and stationary chopping machines available which suits different capacity needs. Finally, the beets will most likely be mixed with other feeds. Processing can be done as part of fresh feeding or in preparation for beet ensiling.​


The need to clean the beets depends on the type of soil and the presence of stones. Larger amounts of sand and stones should be eliminated, as it provides no nutritional value and could harm animals and machinery. Low amounts of clay and loan can pass the gastrointestinal tract of healthy animals.

After the beets have been brought to the farm, it may be necessary to initiate a further cleaning process based on weather and/or soil conditions. Carefully cleaned beets may contain less than 5% soil and are thus below usual values for grass and corn.

Dry cleaning is the most common way of soil and stone removal and is already intergrated in the harvesting process.
Wet cleaning with water circuit is a very efficient way and reduces soil tare down to 2% and captures nearly 100% of the stones. But this process is rather costly.

Good to know about Cleaning

Chopping Beet​

Beets that are fed to animals in barns must be chopped. First, chopped beets are easier for animals to eat. Second, chopped beets (when chopped relatively small) provide a uniform feeding and prevent selection by animals during feeding. The size of chopped beets should at least not be larger than 3-4 cm.​

Good to know about Chopping Beet​

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Lars Andersen
Lars Andersen
Product Manager
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